Saturday, October 27, 2012

Welcome to Ponderosa Elementary's First Grade Blog

  • This blog will be used for all 4 first grade classrooms at Ponderosa.  We will be using this blog to share important information with you!  Please become a follower of this blog so that you and your child can easily access our important information.  We will include many items on this blog that can be revisited and used over and over again to help your child have a successful year in first grade.  

The One and Only Ivan-Katherine Applegate

Our first graders just finished listening to the first grade teachers read aloud The One and Only Ivan written by Katherine Applegate.   You may ask:  Why a "Global Read Aloud?"  Global collaboration is necessary to show children that they are part of something bigger than themselves.  The world needs to be protected and we need to care for every living creature.  We can show children pictures of kids in other states and countries, but why not have them speak to each other?  That's how the caring begins.      
      We just Skyped with a first grade classroom from Ohio on October 27, 2012 and a 3rd grade classroom from Michagan.  We gave them background schema about Ponderosa Elementary School and they told us about their schools.  Then we asked them the following questions:

1.  From whose point of view was this story told?
2.  Can you name 5 important characters from the story?
3.  Why did the protesters come?
4.  Describe one time in the story that "it tugged at your heart and mended it again."
5.  What would Ivan's favorite subject in school be?
6.  What was Ivan's favorite thing to throw at people?
7.   How did Ivan know that Ruby was safe at home?
8.  Who was Ivan's last visitor?
9.  Name 3 objects that Ivan had in his domain at Exit 8?
10.  Who was Ivan's "BELLY WARMER?"
11.  What were Ivan and Ruby both afraid of?
12.  What does it mean to be a "temporary human?"

Have your child answer each of these questions for you.

Watch the following video to see the author of The One and Only Ivan answering questions that children who were involved in the Global Read-Aloud asked her.  She answered questions that children have sent her and thanked the children for reading her book.  Enjoy