Sunday, February 24, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Baby Ryan got out of the hospital February 26, 2013.
This last week  Ponderosa First Graders ventured outside of performing Random Acts of Kindness at Ponderosa and reached as far away as Denver, Colorado .  Your amazing children made cards for Ryan Eng (Mrs. Bonawitz's new great nephew born with gastroschisis.  Gastroschisis is a birth defect in which an infant's intestines stick out of the body through a defect on one side of the umbilical cord) and other children who are in the NICU at Children's Hospital in Denver.  The first graders were  passionate about constructing cards and composing messages that would help children and families to feel cared for during their difficult days at the hospital.  Compassion is a leadership quality your children are building on daily!  You Ponderosa parents are raising such kind-hearted children!     

Here is a message sent by Jenn Eng after she heard of Ponderosa's  Random Act of Kindness:

I want to say hello to the 1st graders at Ponderosa Elementary School in Loveland!  I heard that you have been following Ryan's story and made cards for Ryan and the other babies in the NICU today.   Thank you for your kindness-it will really brighten the day for so many of the families with babies in the NICU.  You guys rock!
Here is her message after having the cards in her hands to read:

My mom left a stack of cards last night that the 1st graders at Ponderosa made for both Ryan and the rest of the kids in the NICU.  I was utterly astounded by how many cards there were and I sat and read every single one of them today!  The kids had such heartfelt sentiments "I hope you feel better"  "Smile all the while"  "You're awesome" and "You ROCK"!  They drew pictures of flowers and smiley faces of hospitals and panda bears (their mascot!)  I was so delighted!  I gave the general cards to our nurse Mary and asked her to make sure they got distributed to all of the babies in the NICU-there are 53 of them!  There were enough cards that she may even send some of them downstairs to the PICU!  What a beautiful ray of sunshine those cards will be for those kids and their families!  Thank you 1st graders!
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.  Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.    ~Scott Adams~