Thursday, April 25, 2013


This is a list of words that all first graders have to know how to spell!  All first graders in the Thompson School District need to know how to spell these 30 words!  Remember we always go above and beyond~so we even expect more but this is the base line!

  1. he  
  2. was
  3.  for
  4.  on 
  5. are
  6.  as
  7.  with
  8.  his
  9.  they 
  10. that
  11.  at
  12.  be
  13.  this
  14.  have
  15.  from
  16.  one
  17.  had 
  18. by 
  19. see 
  20. but
  21.  no
  22. what
  23. all
  24. were
  25. we 
  26. when
  27. your
  28. can
  29. said
  30. the
  31. of
  32. and
  33. a
  34. to
  35. in 
  36. is
  37. you
  38. I
  39. it
  40. an